Hello Fellow Miata Enthusiast!!
We’ve got plenty events planned for the rest of your summer so you can party with your little Roadster.
August 6, 2016 – 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM – Do some tasting on the Micro Brewery Tour with Pat Tarantino and have some really good wings at Wendell’s in Norton, MA after it. The event is full, but contact Pat (Pat.tarantino@comcast.net) to be put on a waiting list.
August 14, 2016 is our wonderful Annual Club Picnic to be held at the Colt State Park in Bristol RI. 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Contact activities@massmiata.net to let Ed Jutras know you are coming so we have a head count for the burgers and dogs and let him know if you are also bringing your specialty dish with you for all to taste. RSVP by August 12 please.
Now who doesn’t love Ice Cream!? Our Annual Kimball’s Trifecta will be held on August 20, 2016 – 10:45 AM to 5:00 PM. Contact Chris Baylis at Cbaylis77@yahoo.com to let him know you are an ice cream aficionado. Chris is always known for finding the best Miata Roads!
On August 27, 2016, the Gauvin’s are heading up one of their great trips. A lunch at the Steaming Tender Restaurant in Palmer, MA, with a scenic drive. Lunch is in a Historical Parlor Car with a drive and Ice Cream to follow. What better way to spend a lazy summer day? There is a limit and a meal prepay for this event, so if you plan on attending please contact the Gauvin’s at Bgauvin@charter.net ASAP by August 12, 2016.
Plans are still being formed for a Friday Night Miata Night at the Mendon Drive-in in Mendon, MA on September 9, 2016, so check back for more information. All contortionists are welcome.
We have been invited to participate in the Ty-Rods Annual Old Timers Reunion at the Lancaster Fair Grounds, Route 117 on September 11, 2016. We have a reserved section for our Miata’s for this event. Cost to attend is $12.00. For more information and to let Bob Baylis know you are coming to this event, contact him at Bobbaylis@comcast.net. Please sign up for this event by September 5, 2016.
Planning is still be done on a Moonlight Ride to be set up by Jack Austin and Les Barton on September 17, 2016. So check the web site for more information to follow on this event.
Our Annual FallBusiness meeting will be held at North End Mazda, Lunenburg, MA on September 18, 2016, 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM, with lunch provided by our sponsor North End Mazda. We do need a head count for the lunch so contact Bobbaylis@comcast.net to let him know you plan on attending. These meetings are very important, because the club votes on many items that effect the whole club.
A GPS Mystery Trip is being set up by our Club Vice-President, Janet Baylis on September, 25, 2016. Small groups will be formed and by using GPS technology the mystery locations will be solved. The time is 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM with lunch planned and of course Ice Cream at the end. Contact Jbaylis89@comcast.net for more information or check the web page.
On October 2, 2016, Lillian Orchard will be doing a scenic drive around the Quabbin Reservoir in Central Mass. Lunch will be at Betrucci’s in Amherst, MA and the start time, place and sign up time will be forthcoming. Some nice roads, a nice lunch, and May-be some fall foliage if we are lucky. mslillyO@outlook.com
Our last BusinessMeeting will be held at Mazda Gallery in Norwood, MA on November 5, 2016. The sign up time will be announce as we get closer to the date. So pencil in the date on your calendar.
We are still looking for someone to volunteer to do the Annual Pre-Hibernation Run on November 13, 2016. This event historically has a large attendance and anyone who steps forward to volunteer will have access to many trips the club has on record to use. So contact activities@mass.miata.net
On every third Wednesday, of every month, Bob Brewer has taken over the Monthly Miata Luncheon get-together. It is great time to see all our buddies while our Miata’s are in hibernation. Bob is always looking for restaurants that give separate checks and can accommodate small groups of 20+/-. So contact him each month if you plan on attending or give him some restaurant suggestions @ membership@massmiata.net
Our Annual Planning Meeting will be held in Chelmsford on November 20, 2016. More information on the event and a start time to follow. But it is never too soon or too late to forward ideas for trips or even volunteer to do one. Let activities@massmiata.net know of any please.
As lastly, SAVE THE DATE. Our Annual Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2017 at The Great Wolf Lodge and Awesome Water Park in Fitchburg, MA. Special room rates will cover also on the Friday, January 20. More to come on this event as it shapes up.