Newport Car Museum August 4th RSVP BY 8/1/2018
Must be at Newport Car Museum for 10:00 A.M. for Coffee and Danish 1947 West Main Road Portsmouth, Rhode Island 02871 $15.oo Admission fee. 50 plus fine and vintage cars. (...)
Mystery Ride & Lunch August 5, 2018 RSVP by 8/3/2018
Ted's Package Store 47 Worcester Road, Charlton, MassachusettsMYSTERY TRIP MEET: Ted's Package Store 47 Worcester Road (Route 20), Charlton, MA 01508 MEETING TIME: 10:00 AM A GPS or other navigational device that can (...)
Ice Cream Meet & Greet August 8, 2018
Ice Cream Machine 4288 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland, RI, United StatesMeet and socialize with other Miata Members in your area. Come if you can. This is not an organized drive. Ice Cream Machine 4288 Diamond Hill Road Cumberland, RI Ice (...)
Annual Club Picnic August 12, 2018 RSVP By 8/10/2018
Annual Membership Appreciation Day & Club Picnic will be held at Colt State Park, Route 114, 1070 hope Street Bristol, Rhode Island. Ice Cream at Paul & Sue's house after (...)
MMC Lunch Bunch August 15, 2018 RSVP by Noon on 8/13/2018
Applebee's Milford 91 Medway Road, Milford, MA, United StatesIf you are free, come join us for lunch. You need not be retired, only free to (...)
Afternoon Ride To The Old Mill August 19, 2018 RSVP EXTENDED TO AUGUST 12, 2018
Hebert's Cqandy Mansion 574 Hartford Turnpike Route 20, Shrewsbury, massachusettsSIGN UP BEFORE AUGUST 12, 2018 JANET MUST RECEIVE YOUR CHECK BY 8/14/2018 There will be no refund for the buffet after August 14 th, 2018 unless your place can be (...)
Ice Cream Meet & Greet August 22, 2018
Murdock Farm Dairy 62 Elmwood Road, Winchendon, MA, United StatesMeet and socialize with other Miata Members in your area. Come if you can. This is not an organized drive. Murdock Farm Dairy 62 Elmwood Road Winchendon, MA Ice Cream Only (...)
Business Meeting August 26, 2018 RSVP by August 23rd, 2018
North End Mazda 757 Chase Road, Lunenberg, MassachusetteThe August Business meeting will be held at North End Mazda, 757 Chase Road in Lunenburg, MA at 11:00AM on August 26th, 2018 You can check out their inventory of (...)
Ice Cream Meet & Greet August 29, 2018
Shae Farm 204 New Boston Road, Dracut, MA, United StatesMeet and socialize with other Miata Members in your area. Come if you can. This is not an organized drive. Shaw Farm 204 New Boston Road Dracut, MA Ice Cream (...)
Ice Cream Meet & Greet September 5, 2018
Somerset Creamery 146 County Street, Somerset, MA, MA, United StatesMeet and socialize with other Miata Members in your area. Come if you can. This is not an organized drive. Somerset Creamery 146 County Street Somerset, MA Ice cream and (...)