When: 19 May 2024 (Rain date 22 May) RSVP by May 18, 2024
Rhododendron Festival at the Heritage Museums & Gardens in Sandwich MA Trip

Where to meet: Stop & Shop @ Franklin Village Shopping Center (40 Franklin Village Drive, Franklin, MA, 02038)
Drivers Meet: 8:15 A.M.
Departure Time: 8:30 A.M.
Car Limit: 10 Cars
Join us for a 66 mile ride from Franklin to Sandwich to enjoy a stroll around the Heritage Museums and Gardens
annual Rhododendron Festival (67 Grove St, Sandwich, MA, 02563)
Admission is $22.00 per person (AAA and Veterans discounts available and NARM free admission)
Features of the facility include:
The gardens, featuring collections of rhododendrons, hydrangeas, daylilies, and more; The J.K. Lilly III Automobile
Gallery, featuring the From Carriage to Classic: How Automobiles Transformed America and Charging Ahead: Early
Electric Cars in America exhibits; The Special Exhibitions Gallery, featuring the Impressionist New England: Four
Seasons of Color and Light exhibit; The American Art & Carousel Gallery, featuring the Heritage Highlights exhibit and
rides on the 1908 Looff carousel; The Hidden Hollow outdoor discovery area; and much more.
Annual Rhododendron Festival
Thousands of world-famous rhododendrons in
over 100 varieties offer an explosion of
spectacular blooms throughout Heritage.
Photograph yourself surrounded by walls of
flowers, immerse yourself in the story of
Heritage’s fascinating rhododendron legacy on
a self-guided walking tour and learn proper
plant care and pruning techniques at our
hands-on Garden Discovery Cart
American Automobile Collection

Heritage Museums & Gardens features 42 outstanding examples of
automobiles, from the 1899 Winton to our 1965 Ford Country Squire
Station Wagon
When you sign up, Please give me your cell number.
“By signing up for this trip, you agree to comply with the Club By-Laws and policies that include personal health safety and safe driving”