May 1st, 2005
It was a stereotypical New England spring day – that is to say grey, misty and slightly on the cool side. That said, the weather was little deterrent for the eight Miatas with pilots (and usually co-pilots, for that matter) that met at the Mariner Restaurant in Beverly to start the “North Shore Cruise” off with a little lunch.
Seemed like everyone just turned up at the Mariner at the same time and, following a few minutes of socializing outside, the group headed in. We didn’t have quite enough people for the function room but they set up enough tables that we could all sit together.
Turns out that there really is not such thing as a “little” lunch at the Mariner and everybody must have left full. Most also left with their own conclusion about whether the salad bar coleslaw was “to die for” as claimed. General consensus seemed to be that it was good but not enough to prompt leaving this world – and apparently there’s a few ‘slaw experts in the club.
With lunch taken care of, tour-masters Rob and Rachel led the group off on a route through the North Shore. The route included some “off-the-beaten” path roads as well as some of the more well know areas.
The group made its requisite stop for ice cream at White Farms. A little off-and-on rain couldn’t spoil the treat and the size of the scoops was enormous. Following dessert it was back on the road and to the ultimate destination of the Audubon Observatory at Joppa Flats.
We were given a short discussion on the mission of the society and some time to look around at the exhibits or to try and spot a few live birds from the observation areas. This completed the planned activities and the group broke off to do their own things.
Many thanks to Rob and Rachel Smelstor for organizing and here’s hoping the next one might include more cooperative weather.
Scott and Jullie Snyder